City Reach Leadership Academy was created to provide an opportunity for people to discover their leadership potential and the call of God on their lives. We believe that everyone is a minister and we want to educate, equip, and empower you to minister.
City Reach Leadership Academy is a two-year leadership development program where students learn through hands-on training and mentoring, while taking classes. During this two-year program, we believe the students will discover their purpose, passion, and potential as leaders while they grow to be more like Jesus.
Are you ready to discover your purpose?
The Four Pillars
In Jesus’ final hours with His followers prior to His ascension, He delivered a mandate to those who would continue to represent Him to the world. That mandate was “…as you go, make disciples.” In response to this mandate, we are committed to providing each of our students an opportunity to develop and grow in an intimate relationship with Christ, empowering them to represent Him well to a world in need.
Become the leader you were born to be by developing a passion for leadership now. Start looking for ways to influence your family and friends as you live out your faith. Look for ways to develop yourself personally as you take care of your body, finances, time, relationships, and personal growth.
We are dedicated to the preparation of men and women for effective Spirit-filled leadership and Christ-like servanthood in the Church and community. City Reach Leadership Academy seeks to fulfill this commitment to its students by providing a sound biblical education that will become the underpinning for the integration of faith, learning, and Christian service. The eternal value of sound biblical knowledge is that wisdom is gained and wisdom gives life to those who have it (Eccl 7:12).
Ministry Training
By interacting with City Reach Staff on a regular basis students have the opportunity to participate in ministry and not just learn from afar. Students are held to a high standard and expected to apply themselves to their fullest potential. Training students for leadership and ministry in this way gives them confidence and ability to succeed when they are launched into the call on their life.